Community effort to protect native habitat from iconic pest plant

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

Community effort to protect native habitat from iconic pest plant | Environment Canterbury

A declared pest species in the Canterbury Regional Pest Management Plan, wild Russell lupins spread rapidly, forming dense infestations that interfere with water flow and outcompete native plants, altering the natural ecosystem for plants and animals.

LPCG has received $15,000 of funding from the Upper Waitaki water zone committee to support eradication efforts in the Lindis Pass Scenic Reserve and adjoining conservation area downstream, within the headwaters of Longslip Creek.

They’re playing the long game, but the eventual pay-off will be worth it, Anne said. “We want to prevent new flowering which adds to the existing seed bank in the soil, so it diminishes over time and eventually lupins are completely eradicated in the area.

“The first step is to get it out of the headwaters because that’s what contributes to large infestations downstream.”

Funding for your environmental community project

Each of Waitaha/Canterbury’s water zone committees has an action plan that outlines how they will work with the community to help improve the environment and meet Canterbury Water Management Strategy objectives.

These water zone committees have also been allocated a budget through our Long-Term Plan to help implement their action plans. The Upper Waitaki water zone committee endorsed this funding support for the Russell lupin control efforts from the 2023/24 action plan budget allocation.

If your initiative meets one or more of the actions in the zone committee’s Action Plan for 2021-2024, we encourage you to get in touch to see how we might be able to support your project.

“We’re so relieved to get this support. This will go a long way towards getting wild lupins under control. This funding has renewed our enthusiasm for this work and we’re hoping to make a real difference this summer.”

Environment Canterbury © 2024
Retrieved: 4:58pm, Mon 12 Aug 2024