Riverbeds are not dumping grounds

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

Riverbeds are not dumping grounds | Environment Canterbury

The dumping of large piles of rubbish in riverbeds in the Selwyn district is causing increasing concern for river users. 

Earlier this month, a member of the public alerted us to a large pile of glass bottles dumped in the Waikirikiri/Selwyn riverbed through the Snap Send Solve application. 

A contractor will remove the bottles at a cost to the ratepayer of more than $600.

These incidents occur frequently, which adds up to thousands of dollars a year. 

Other recent examples of dumping at the Selwyn river include furniture, pallets and even a TV.

Rates pay for clean up

Central compliance team leader Gillian Jenkins said it was a frustrating waste of Selwyn ratepayers’ money that could be put to better use elsewhere. 

“It’s really disappointing to see rubbish dumped in our rivers. We strongly encourage people to take it to a recycling point so it can be reused” she said. 

“The community values its rivers, and incidents like this threaten to undo all the hard work that the community in Selwyn is putting in to improving our catchment.” 

Selwyn Waihora Water Zone Committee Chair Matt Dodson said the river and riverbed are important public and recreational spaces, and it’s disheartening to see them being used as a rubbish dump. “The Waikirikiri/Selwyn is the heart of our region, and it’s so sad to see selfish people treating it this way.” 

Selwyn Waihora Zone Lead Gillian Jenkins said it was a frustrating waste of Selwyn ratepayers’ money that could be put to better use elsewhere.

How to report illegal dumping

Ms. Jenkins encourages people to contact Environment Canterbury if they see something suspicious. 

“The ratepayer should not have to bear the cost of this illegal activity,” she said. 

If you see suspicious activity or rubbish being dumped in a riverbed, please note the details of the vehicle and location, and report it to our Incident Reporting Line on 0800 765 588 or by using the Snap Send Solve app (for Apple or Android) or online reporting tool.

Environment Canterbury © 2024
Retrieved: 3:34pm, Fri 09 Aug 2024