Release: Emergency housing changes will see more people on streets

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The Government is cutting support for those who need somewhere to live, but not building anymore homes so they have somewhere to go.

“It’s there for all to see – National is motivated by saving money rather than ensuring people have a roof over their heads,” Housing spokesperson Kieran McAnulty said.

“They’re making it harder to access housing and easier to be kicked out – we’re talking about people with nowhere else to go and now anxiously waiting to find out if they still have a home. It’s a cruel kick in the guts for New Zealanders who are already doing it so tough.

“National has tried this trick before and crowed about their reduced numbers.

“Instead of clamping down on those in the most need, I suggest actually paying for more public houses like they said they would. 

“They’ve cut $1.5 billion from their housing budget, the Kainga Ora pipeline of new housing dries up next year after what Labour committed, and quite literally they are leaving Kiwi families out in the cold.

“We also can’t forget the last National Government ended up with 1500 fewer public homes than what it started with, and bled $576 million in dividends out of the housing system.

“We’re still left with no answers, no solutions and soon these people will be left with nowhere to go,” Kieran McAnulty said.

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