Palestinian keffiyeh Banned in Parliament – Open Letter – Dear Mr Speaker – Does this ban include the Jewish kippah, the Turkish Fez, the English bowler hat and the Mexican poncho?

Source: Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa


5 August 2024 – Today PSNA sent the following self-explanatory email message to Parliament’s Speaker Gerry Brownlee.


Kia ora Mr Brownlee,


We have noted media reports that the Palestinian keffiyeh is now a banned item of clothing in parliament’s public gallery.


This is an outrageous and untenable.


Does this ban include the Jewish kippah, the Turkish Fez, the English bowler hat and the Mexican poncho?


Or is this shameful discrimination reserved for the Palestinian victims of Israeli genocide?


Please respond urgently.


Ngā mihi.




John Minto

National Chair

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa