Submissions open for the Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill

Source: New Zealand Parliament

The bill would enable the rollout of random roadside oral fluid screening tests to better detect and deter drug-impaired drivers. 

The Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Act 2022 introduced a random roadside oral fluid testing regime to enable police officers to test drivers’ oral fluid for the presence of the highest-risk illicit and prescription drugs that impair driving. Existing legislative settings have, however, prevented the implementation of roadside oral fluid testing for drugs as there is no oral fluid testing device that meets the current requirements for approval.

This Bill would amend the Land Transport Act 1998 to resolve issues with the current oral fluid testing regime.

The Attorney-General has presented a Section 7 report to the House on this Bill. The Attorney-General’s report noted that the Bill appears to be inconsistent with s 21 (right to be secure against unreasonable search and seizure) and s 22 (right not to be arbitrarily detained) and cannot be justified under s 5 of the Bill of Rights Act.

Tell the Transport and Infrastructure Committee what you think

Make a submission on the bill by 11:59pm on 29 August 2024.

For more details about the bill:


For media enquiries contact:

Transport and Infrastructure secretariat

Phone: 04 817 9520