Release: National have their heads in the sand over climate

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The National Government is living in la-la land if it thinks it can achieve New Zealand’s climate goals with its current lack of policies to tackle the problem.

“National won’t accept that they’re off track and accept independent advice from the Climate Commission on what needs to happen to meet our climate targets,” said Labour climate spokesperson Megan Woods.

According to the Climate Commission’s Monitoring Report: Emissions Reduction July 2024, “there are significant risks to meeting the second and third budgets”, pointing to “an urgent need to strengthen policies and strategies to put Aotearoa New Zealand on track to meet future emissions budgets and the 2050 target, including the 2030 biogenic methane component of the target”.

“The Government is offering almost no policy to reduce pollution from livestock and is failing to maintain the electric vehicle uptake rates achieved under Labour,” said Megan Woods.

“They don’t care about ensuring we have a stable climate for future generations, they only care about the bottom line and tinkering around the edges. We need bold action to transform our economy and ensure people, homes and livelihoods are secure in the future.

“Instead we have their dismal Emissions Reductions Plan, which undoes climate initiatives that have had a real impact towards meeting our targets.

“National slashed $3 billion of important climate-related work from the Budget, but happily handed over $2.9 billion in tax cuts to landlords,” said Megan Woods.

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