Daily progress for Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Source: New Zealand Parliament

Order Paper for Tuesday, 25 June 2024


Introduction of bills

The following bills were introduced:

Oral questions

Twelve questions to Ministers were answered.

Urgent debate

An urgent debate on the running aground of the Interislander ferry Aratere and the Government’s response to it was held.

Budget debate

The debate on the second reading of the Appropriation (2024/25 Estimates) Bill (the Budget debate) was adjourned with 4 hours and 9 minutes remaining.


A motion to accord urgency to the following business was agreed to:

  • the remaining stages of the Appropriation (2023/24 Supplementary Estimates) Bill and the introduction and passing through all stages of the Imprest Supply (First for 2024/25) Bill;
  • the remaining stages of:
  • the second reading of:
  • the first readings and referrals to a select committee of:
  • the passing through all stages of:
  • the first reading and referral to a select committee of:
  • the passing through all stages of:
  • the first reading and referral to a select committee of:

Introduction of bill

The Imprest Supply (First for 2024/25) Bill was introduced.

Government business

The Imprest Supply (First for 2024/25) Bill was read a first time.

The Imprest Supply (First for 2024/25) Bill and the Appropriation (2023/24 Supplementary Estimates) Bill were read a second time.

The Appropriation (2023/24 Supplementary Estimates) Bill was read a third time.

The Imprest Supply (First for 2024/25) Bill was read a third time.

The committee stage of the Accident Compensation (Interest on Instalment Plans) Amendment Bill was interrupted during the debate on clause 6.


The sitting suspended at 9.59 pm and resumed at 9.00 am on Wednesday, 26 June 2024.

Government businesscontinued

The committee stage of the Accident Compensation (Interest on Instalment Plans) Amendment Bill was completed.

The Accident Compensation (Interest on Instalment Plans) Amendment Bill was read a third time.

The Corrections Amendment Bill was read a second time.

The Education and Training Amendment Bill was read a first time and referred to the Education and Workforce Committee, to be reported by 5 September 2024. The committee has authority to meet at any time while the House is sitting (except during oral questions), during any evening on a day on which there has been a sitting of the House, on a Friday in a week in which there has been a sitting of the House, and outside the Wellington area, despite Standing Orders 193, 195, and 196.

The debate on the first reading of the Sentencing (Reinstating Three Strikes) Amendment Bill was interrupted with 10 speeches remaining.

Oral questions

Twelve questions to Ministers were answered.

Government businesscontinued

The Sentencing (Reinstating Three Strikes) Amendment Bill was read a first time and referred to the Justice Committee, to be reported by 1 November 2024.

The Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Scheme Agricultural Obligations) Amendment Bill was read a first time and referred to the Primary Production Committee, to be reported by 1 November 2024.

The Forests (Log Traders and Forestry Advisers Repeal) Amendment Bill was read a first time.

The Forests (Log Traders and Forestry Advisers Repeal) Amendment Bill was read a second time.

The committee stage of the Forests (Log Traders and Forestry Advisers Repeal) Amendment Bill was completed.

The Forests (Log Traders and Forestry Advisers Repeal) Amendment Bill was read a third time.

The Overseas Investment (Build-to-rent and Similar Rental Developments) Amendment Bill was read a first time and referred to the Finance and Expenditure Committee, to be reported by 1 November 2024.

The Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Standard) Amendment Bill was read a first time.

The Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Standard) Amendment Bill was read a second time.

The committee stage of the Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Standard) Amendment Bill was interrupted during the debate on clause 1.


The sitting suspended at 11.59 pm and resumed at 9.00 am on Thursday, 27 June 2024.

Government businesscontinued

The committee stage of the Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Standard) Amendment Bill was interrupted during the debate on clause 6.

Business statement

Hon Chris Bishop, Leader of the House, made a statement about the business of the House for the sitting week commencing on Tuesday, 23 July 2024.

Oral questions

Twelve questions to Ministers were answered.

Government businesscontinued

The committee stage of the Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Standard) Amendment Bill was completed.

The Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Standard) Amendment Bill was read a third time.

The Therapeutic Products Act Repeal Bill was read a first time and referred to the Health Committee, to be reported by 1 November 2024.


At 5.08 pm on Thursday, 27 June 2024 the House adjourned.