Daily progress for Thursday, 30 May 2024

Source: New Zealand Parliament

Order Paper for Thursday, 30 May 2024


Introduction of bills

The Appropriation (2023/24 Supplementary Estimates) Bill was introduced.

Budget debate

The Appropriation (2024/25 Estimates) Bill was introduced and read a first time.

The Minister of Finance, Hon Nicola Willis, delivered the Budget statement.

The debate on the second reading of the Appropriation (2024/25 Estimates) Bill (the Budget debate) was adjourned with 5 hours 56 minutes remaining.


A motion to accord urgency to the following business was agreed to:

Introduction of bills

The following bills were introduced:

Government business

The Appropriation (2023/24 Supplementary Estimates) Bill was read a first time.

The Taxation (Budget Measures) Bill was read a first time.

The Taxation (Budget Measures) Bill was read a second time.

The committee stage of the Taxation (Budget Measures) Bill was interrupted during the debate on Part 1.


The sitting suspended at 10.03 pm and resumed at 9.00 am on Friday, 31 May 2024.

Government business—continued

The committee stage of the Taxation (Budget Measures) Bill was completed.

The Taxation (Budget Measures) Bill was read a third time.

The Public Finance (Fines Collection Costs—Budget Measures) Amendment Bill was read a first time.

The Public Finance (Fines Collection Costs—Budget Measures) Amendment Bill was read a second time.

The committee stage of the Public Finance (Fines Collection Costs—Budget Measures) Amendment Bill was completed.

The Public Finance (Fines Collection Costs—Budget Measures) Amendment Bill was read a third time.

The Waste Minimisation (Waste Disposal Levy) Amendment Bill was read a first time.

The debate on the second reading of the Waste Minimisation (Waste Disposal Levy) Amendment Bill was interrupted with 9 speeches remaining.


The sitting suspended at 12:03 am and resumed at 9.00 am on Saturday, 1 June 2024.

Government business—continued

The Waste Minimisation (Waste Disposal Levy) Amendment Bill was read a second time.

The committee stage of the Waste Minimisation (Waste Disposal Levy) Amendment Bill was completed.

The Waste Minimisation (Waste Disposal Levy) Amendment Bill was read a third time.

The Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill was read a first time and referred to the Finance and Expenditure Committee to be reported by 18 July 2024. The committee has authority to meet at any time while the House is sitting (except during oral questions), during any evening on a day on which there has been a sitting of the House, and on a Friday in a week in which there has been a sitting of the House and outside the Wellington area, despite Standing Orders 193, 195, and 196, and that the committee’s powers be extended under Standing Order 295(1)(b) to consider out-of-scope amendments set out on Amendment Paper No. 41, in the name of Hon Simeon Brown.

The Resource Management (Extended Duration of Coastal Permits for Marine Farms) Amendment Bill was read a first time and referred to the Primary Production Committee to be reported by 18 July 2024. The committee has authority to meet at any time while the House is sitting (except during oral questions), during any evening on a day on which there has been a sitting of the House, and on a Friday in a week in which there has been a sitting of the House and outside the Wellington area, despite Standing Orders 193, 195, and 196.

The Accident Compensation (Interest on Instalment Plans) Amendment Bill was read a first time.

The Accident Compensation (Interest on Instalment Plans) Amendment Bill was read a second time.

The committee stage of the Accident Compensation (Interest on Instalment Plans) Amendment Bill was interrupted during the debate on clause 6.


At 11.55 pm on Saturday, 1 June 2024 the House adjourned.