Monitoring update: August 2020

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

At the TEC, we gather a range of information about common issues through our monitoring activities. We’re committed to partnering with tertiary education organisations, and sharing learnings from our monitoring work to help the sector build capability so we can all achieve better outcomes for learners.
Audits and investigations have resumed
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown has provided significant challenges for the education sector. During lockdown, TEC reduced reporting and other compliance requirements where possible to support you to focus your efforts on supporting learners and staff.
As New Zealand has now returned to a greater degree of normality, we have recommenced our normal audit and investigations programme to ensure there is accountability for the public funding we invest.
We will contact TEOs directly to advise of an audit or investigation and make the necessary arrangements. We recognise that we are all still operating in an unusual environment and are committed to providing as much flexibility as possible in how we work together through these processes. We can discuss details with you on a case by case basis.
We would like to remind you that if you self-identify any compliance issues, or need any support with funding rules or other requirements, you should contact your relationship manager or relationship advisor, or Our priority is to support you to resolve any issues efficiently, so you can maintain your focus on supporting learner success.
Compulsory student services fees: 2019 reports due
The CSSF Ministerial Direction requires Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) that charge a CSSF to report on it annually:

Tertiary education institutions (TEIs) must report on CSSFs in their annual report;
Private training establishments (PTEs) must provide a written report to their students and the TEC.

Thank you to those who have submitted their 2019 annual report. For those who haven’t, we would like to remind you, if you charge a CSSF, to please send your current CSSF report for students to
As part of regular fees-free reporting to the TEC, TEOs that charge a CSSF are required to self-attest their compliance with the CSSF Ministerial Direction. We review all CSSFs to verify that they comply with these requirements. In cases of non-compliance we will not provide fees-free funding for CSSFs that relate to eligible learners. To ensure your fees-free payments run smoothly, please submit your current CSSF report and respond to any feedback.
Reporting requirements for the Technology Access Fund for Learners
On 2 May 2020, Education Minister Hon Chris Hipkins announced a $20 million fund to help eligible tertiary learners continue their education disrupted by COVID-19.
The fund, called the Technology Access Fund for Learners (TAFL), helps make digital devices and internet connections available to eligible learners.
TAFL is available to support initiatives from 23 March 2020 (the date the move to COVID-19 alert Level 4 was announced) until 31 December 2020, or until all funding is allocated.
As a reminder to TEOs that received TAFL, you are required to periodically report to the TEC on how, where and when you have used the funding. The TEC will use the information to regularly update a public list on the TEC’s website. We also remind you of the requirement to retain the original receipts and invoices where TAFL has been used.
For the full reporting and monitoring conditions, please see the TAFL conditions on the TEC’s website.
Reporting requirements for the Hardship Fund for Learners
The Hardship Fund for Learners (HAFL), also announced in May 2020, helps TEOs provide temporary financial assistance for currently enrolled tertiary learners who are facing hardship due to the COVID-10 pandemic.
As with TAFL, funding can be used to support initiatives from 23 March 2020 until 31 December 2020.
HAFL has been automatically allocated to all eligible TEOs. The list of TEOs with HAFL funding is published on the TEC’s website, which includes how much each TEO has been allocated, how much each TEO has spent to date, and how many learners each TEO has supported.
As a reminder to TEOs that received HAFL, you are required to periodically report to the TEC on how, where and when you have used the funding. We also remind you of the requirement to keep records of where cash payments have been made directly to your learners, and retain the original receipts and invoices where HAFL funding has been used to purchase resources on learners’ behalf.
For the full reporting and monitoring conditions, please see the HAFL conditions on the TEC’s website.