Have your say on changes to regulatory systems for businesses and the economy

Source: New Zealand Parliament

This bill seeks to improve regulatory systems by ensuring that they are effective, efficient, and in line with best regulatory practice.

This bill is an omnibus bill—amending several Acts, and is a vehicle for small regulatory fixes. 


The Regulatory Systems (Economic Development) Amendment Bill aims to: 

  • reduce compliance costs for businesses and implementation costs for regulatory agencies 
  • clarify and update statutory provisions to give effect to the purposes of the principal Acts and their provisions 
  • address regulatory duplication and inconsistencies within and between different pieces of legislation 
  • respond to a changing environment driven by rapidly evolving technologies. 


Tell the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee what you think 


Make a submission on the bill by 11.59pm on Thursday, 5 September 2024. 

For more details about the bill: 



For media enquiries contact: 

Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee staff 
