Submissions closing date for the Education and Training Amendment Bill extended to 5.00pm on Monday 29 July 2024

Source: New Zealand Parliament

The closing date for submissions is now 5.00pm on Monday, 29 July 2024 to allow for submissions on a proposed Amendment Paper (formerly Supplementary Order Paper) to the bill.

The Associate Minister of Education lodged an Amendment Paper to the bill on 23 July 2024 which proposes some additional changes to the Education and Training Act 2020. The committee will consider the Amendment Paper as part of the select committee process for the bill.

The Amendment Paper proposes three new sections in the Act relating to:

  • a restriction on initiating bargaining for a multi-employer collective agreement involving charter schools
  • the ability for a board of a state school to require an employee to provide services to a charter school or a student enrolled at that school
  • a provision relating to arrangements between schools for shared education services.

The extension of the closing date for submissions will provide additional time for submitters to consider the Amendment Paper as part of their submission on the bill, should they wish to.


Tell the Education and Workforce Committee what you think

Make a submission on the bill by 5.00pm on Monday, 29 July 2024.

For more details about the bill:



For media enquiries contact: Committee staff,