Hebden Crescent safety improvements update

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Key milestones are being reached for essential safety improvements for two State Highway 2 Hutt Valley intersections.

Since late April, contractors have been working on the first stage of construction at the intersection of State Highway 2  and Hebden Crescent by Liverton Road. This intersection has a serious risk for side-impact crashes.

Median barriers on the highway have been extended and made continuous, and right-hand turns in and out of the intersection have been permanently removed. This removes the danger of turning across oncoming northbound traffic.

While this work has been underway, the intersection has been temporarily closed.

However, starting Tuesday, 30 July (weather permitting), the intersection will be reopened, meaning drivers will be able to make left-hand turns into and out of Hebden Crescent again.  

Construction will then shift to the southern State Highway 2/Hebden Crescent intersection near Owen Street.

This work is expected to start on Wednesday, 31 July, and will run for around three weeks, weather permitting. 

Contractors will remove the left turn slip lane and install new safety barriers and a new traffic island. 

Once construction begins, the intersection will be closed to traffic. Drivers on State Highway 2 should use the Hebden Crescent intersection, by Liverton Road, or the Haywards interchange to access Hebden Crescent. 

Both these intersections have had longstanding safety issues. There have been 29 crashes at these two intersections between 2014 and 2023, with one person losing their life. The work will improve safety at the two intersections and ensure efficient and reliable journeys for the 37,000 vehicles that use this section of the highway daily. 

During the coming weeks, the work will require some overnight northbound lane closures on State Highway 2 from Wednesday, July 31, for approximately two weeks. The remainder of the work will be carried out under a shoulder closure, day and night.  

This work is weather–dependent and may be delayed if weather conditions are poor.  

Works schedule

  • Wednesday 31 July for approximately 3 weeks. Sunday to Thursday nights, 8 pm – 4:30 am (weather permitting)
  • Traffic management will be installed from 7 pm. Drivers travelling northbound may experience some delays
  • A temporary speed limit of 50km/hr will be in place for the duration of the works

SH2 Hutt Valley intersection safety improvements