Te Rapa section Waikato Expressway resurfacing continues

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


Drivers are advised to plan ahead for the final resurfacing stage of the Te Rapa section of SH1C Waikato Expressway, from the Te Wetini Dr/Wairere Dr overbridge near Wintec through to the Horotiu Interchange.

Work on the southbound lanes and the Koura Drive on and off ramps is starting from this week.

This is the second half of the project, overlaying 6 kilometres of southbound lanes with a new layer of structural asphalt.

While this work is underway:

  • Traffic will use the northbound lanes, one lane in each direction with speed restrictions in place between Koura Drive and the Horotiu Interchange.
  • The Koura Drive southbound on and off ramps are scheduled to close from today, Monday 22 July, for approximately 2 weeks. While these ramps are closed, traffic wanting to access the expressway southbound from Koura Drive will be advised to use the northbound onramp and turn around using the Horotiu Interchange. Traffic wanting to exit the Expressway at Koura Drive will stay on SH1C and turn around using the SH1C roundabout at Crawford St/Avalon Drive. This will add approximately 10 minutes to a journey.
  • The ramp closures are weather dependant and may be changed if it is too wet or cold to allow asphalt to be laid on those days.

Anyone planning to drive on the Te Rapa section over the next two months is advised to check journeys.nzta.govt.nz(external link) for the latest traffic and travel information.
