NZ Government Must Enforce ICJ Ruling

Source: Te Pati Maori

On Friday the International Court of Justice reaffirmed what Palestinian’s have been telling us for decades: that the occupation and colonisation of Palestinian lands by Israel is illegal and must end immediately. They also called for reparations for Palestinian’s who have lived under Israeli occupation since it began in 1967.

The ICJ has categorically condemned Israel’s crimes against humanity and apartheid policies. They are calling on nations like Aotearoa to enforce this ruling and hold Israel accountable for breaching international law.

The ICJ further ruled that any nations providing aid to support the occupation will be in violation of international law.

“Our government’s silence so far speaks volumes” said Te Pāti Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer.

“Christopher Luxon had the opportunity to take a stand against genocide and United States’ unconditional support for Israel when he met with President Biden last week. He chose not to. Instead, he is strengthening ties with AUKUS and the United States war machine.

“The New Zealand government has run out of excuses. Aotearoa cannot continue to ignore the humanity of Palestinians.

“Our government needs to live up to the precedent we set in our support for Ukraine” Ngarewa-Packer said.

“We are urging the New Zealand Government to do all it can to enforce the ICJs ruling.

“We must sanction all trade in and out of Israelis illegal settlements. We must hold our allies to account and cut diplomatic ties with those committing and aiding war crimes. We must recognise Palestinian statehood.

“No more complicity. The world is watching” said Ngarewa-Packer.