Final works scheduled for the Ōtaki to Ohau safety improvement project

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Overnight traffic management will be in place on State Highway 1 at Manakau and Ohau next week as the safety improvements project enters the final phase.

The work is part of the Ōtaki and Ohau safety improvements project and will take place between 7pm and 6am, from Sunday 21 July to Thursday 25 July.

During the overnight work, there will be short sections of stop/go traffic management in Manakau and Ohau, while crews work overnight on the remaining work needed to complete the project. This includes installing motorcycle guard rail at the Manakau Rail Overbridge and repairing road safety barriers in Kuku and Ohau.

Crews will also be installing electronic signage, which will warn road users approaching the Manakau and Ohau overbridges of cyclists and of the curves at each end of the Manakau overbridge.

A temporary 30 kilometre per hour speed restriction will be in place to keep road users and construction crews safe.

The Ōtaki to Ohau safety improvement project, which started earlier last year, has seen more than 8km of road safety barriers installed. This includes stretches of nearly 4.5km of median barrier, and 3.9km of side barrier along the corridor.

The Ōtaki to Ohau safety improvement project also includes three turnaround facilities, painted wide centrelines, and improvements have been made to the State Highway 1/ Waikawa Beach Road and Atkins Road intersections.

Ōtaki to Ohau safety improvement Project Manager Wayne Holcroft says that while work continues on the new highway, the safety improvements that have been implemented, make the existing highway safer now, for everyone who uses it.

“This is one of the most dangerous sections of highway in New Zealand. We have seen multiple hits to the new median barrier since it has been installed. Every time you see a barrier that’s been hit, it’s a reminder the barrier has done its job and potentially stopped a head on collision.”

Mr Holcroft acknowledges the community support during the design and construction of the project.

“Many of the residents and community have been involved in the project since the early design phase, I’d like to thank them for their support and patience while we have been working to make this section of State Highway 1 safer.”