Source: Tertiary Education Commission
TEC has formed an advisory group who can bring insights from the work they do across the careers system, which will help form a single strategy to coordinate future work. The group includes representation from industry, peak bodies and Government.
In early May, the advisory group attended a workshop to share the varying perspectives of the system’s current state. We heard a relatively cohesive view of the system’s current state, as well as several issues and opportunities to explore.
We also heard that, in general, the group is optimistic about the future of the careers system. This is partly due to seeing in the system the emergence of collaborative approaches, an increasing focus on equity, and the development of different pathways.
What’s coming next
The advisory group also started to explore what an ideal future state of the system could look like from their perspectives. This initial discussion outlined a careers system where:
People are at its centre.
There are strong connections between the different parts of the system.
The careers system is more professionalised.
Government has increased funding and resource for the system to ensure careers services are accessible to all New Zealanders.
The careers system is aligned and working as one towards a clear purpose and common interests.
A second workshop was held with the advisory group in late May to further develop this initial view of a future state.
We will continue to engage with a wide range of stakeholders as the National Careers Systems Strategy is developed, including:
Further engaging with Māori to understand Māori perspectives of the current system, aspirations for the future and the specific needs of Māori to be considered in the Strategy.
Hosting information and feedback sessions with groups of key stakeholders.
Directly engaging with specialist stakeholders to gain expert insight and perspective.
Continuing workshops with the advisory group as the Strategy development progresses.
We are aiming to finalise the Strategy in late 2022.
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