From our Acting Chair: Co-investment for flood and river management a positive step

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

There’s still a lot more to do to protect our farms, homes, businesses and infrastructure from the type of deluges we saw in Waitaha in May and June of 2021.

By looking at the bigger picture and the range of values we need to manage, we can drive efficiencies and develop solutions that are long lasting, more equitable and sustainable.

For example, fairway clearance deals with both biosecurity issues relating to weed species, as well as creating biodiversity outcomes for braided river birds, while allowing our rivers to flow, lessening flood risks. Likewise, providing strategic locations where rivers are given more room, similar to what we are doing on the Hakatere/Ashburton River, can allow for planned gravel accumulation and removal.

These are all things we are working towards, and for which both the co-investment from Government, and our district-wide rating trial are helping to achieve.