Hauora Haumi Allied Health Report 2024

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health

In 2023 the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer convened Sector Reference Groups (SRGs) for 14 allied health professions. Each SRG was composed of a wide range of representatives from across the sector, including employers, employees, unions, regulators and professional bodies, educators, Tāngata Whenua profession-specific groups, and students.

The purpose of the SRGs was to understand the unique contribution of each profession to achieving the aims of the Pae Ora legislation, as well as to understand key barriers and opportunities to realising each profession’s full potential to contribute to the aims of Pae Ora.

Validated information from each SRG has been collated into this report. In addition to this profession-specific information, this report provides a high level summary of shared opportunities and barriers which were identified across many allied health professions.

The Hauora Haumi Allied Health Report is intended to be a living document which serves as a point of reference to inform stakeholders about the breadth and depth of knowledge and skill contained within hauora haumi | allied health professions. It serves as a starting point and will be iteratively updated to include more hauora haumi | allied health professions over time.