Council locks in Long-Term Plan: $337m investment in first year

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

“On behalf of Council, I’d like to thank the more than 1,300 individuals and organisations – some of whom represented large sections of the community – who made submissions during the consultation period, along with those who spoke in person. Your feedback helped land some of our key decisions.

“For instance, it was pleasing to see that around three-quarters of submissions supported an increase in spending on river resilience, including flood management, and pest and weed control.

“There was also strong support for a new district-wide rate for river resilience in Waikirikiri Selwyn and this, along with the new targeted rate for biodiversity in Ōtautahi Christchurch city and Te Pātaka o Rakaihautū Banks Peninsula, were approved.”

Read more about key components of the Long-Term Plan 2024-34.

Pauling said that while at times there were strong differences around the Council table, the outcomes and the work to be done for Waitaha Canterbury remained front and centre throughout the process, and he’s proud of the way Councillors conducted themselves.

“Now that we have set the direction, we need to get down to the real mahi. It’s time to jump in the waka and take on some of those big waves, as we get set to deliver for our taiao (environment) and our hāpori (community).”

The Long-Term Plan 2024-34 takes effect on 1 July, and will be published on our website soon.

Read more about the Plan on our Have Your Say page.