Wide spread power outage in Northland affecting traffic signals

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is advising Northlanders that widespread power outages are affecting traffic signals on both local roads and state highways.

Drivers are urged to approach intersections with caution.

NZ Police are present at some intersections, please follow all instructions. If police are not present, standard give way rules apply.

Drivers must also be prepared for potentially dangerous road hazards such as flooding, slips, tree and rock falls.

It’s crucial to drive to the conditions, maintain a safe speed and following distance, and use headlights in poor visibility. People can also report any damage or flooding on state highways to our call centre:

0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49)

For up to date information on highway conditions please visit Journey Planner:

Journey Planner – highway conditions(external link)