Face-to-face help essential for older Aucklanders

Source: Auckland Council

Age Concern Auckland is an official provider of the Storm Recovery Navigation Service, working with the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office. Navigators help storm-impacted whānau get back on their feet with much-needed practical support and advice.

In World Elder Abuse Awareness Week (15-22 June), Age Concern Auckland wants to remind us of the vulnerabilities of older people as they deal with the effects of last year’s storms.

Age Concern Auckland Intervention Services Manager Kai Quan says it’s important to understand that older people can feel excluded if everything is online.

“They need face-to-face support and can often feel marginalised by processes that rely on the internet or even a mobile phone especially if they are hard of hearing.”

Quan says the different needs of older people are highlighted when they’re faced with something they’re not used to dealing with such as the aftermath of the floods.

“Firstly our older people may be more fragile healthwise but also their home is everything to them. Losing memories from their home causes a lot of anxiety.”

Quan says the main role Age Concern Auckland plays is to act as a one-stop shop.

“We’re essentially the middle man to connect older people with the services they need but in a way that works for them. It’s all about making the process less stressful.”

“Our storm recovery navigators can help with anything from ringing a power company to ensuring food parcels are tailored to older people. It can be something simple like not giving them a large kumara they can’t cut up.

“We’re also equipped to help people from diverse cultural backgrounds.”

How you can help older people
Quan stresses that one size doesn’t fit all when helping older people.

“It’s important you follow their pace and don’t rush them. Take the time to listen to their story, find out what’s making them feel vulnerable and from there work out how you can help.”

How to contact Age Concern
If you have an elderly family member, friend or neighbour who might benefit from Age Concern Auckland’s help following the severe weather, please reach out to their storm recovery navigators:

Age Concern Auckland, celebrating their 75th anniversary this year, is the largest of more than 30 Age Concern branches across New Zealand.