Awards (kind of) – Yeah, Nah Awards: Consumer NZ wants you to dob in products and services that have let you down

Source: Consumer NZ

Consumer NZ is seeking nominations for the inaugural Yeah, Nah Awards, which will shine a light on products and services that have proven to be dodgy, difficult or downright disappointing.

Head of research and advocacy, Gemma Rasmussen, says the Yeah, Nah Awards is about putting pressure on poor-performing brands and companies to up their game and recognising the worst products and services in Aotearoa.

“Clearly this is an accolade no CEO wants to receive. But year after year, we receive thousands of complaints about products and services that don’t meet consumer expectations. Our decision to highlight the worst of the worst is about putting power back in consumers’ hands and collectively demanding that businesses be better.”

You’ve got until Monday 15 July to make a nomination for the Yeah, Nah Awards via Consumer’s website. Winners will be announced on Tuesday 22 October.

A team of Consumer investigators will determine which nominees are bad enough to be good contenders based on the awards’ judging criteria.

“Whether you’ve been lied to, monumentally messed around, or are worse off after buying from a business – we want to hear about it.”

“It could be that your favourite chocolate bar shrunk by 25% but costs the same, or maybe you bought a fridge that fails to properly cool your food. Perhaps it’s a sneaky bank fee, excessive surcharge or dodgy sustainability claim. Whatever your gripe, we’d love to hear from you.”

“Yes, there will be actual trophies, and no, this publicity is not good publicity.”
About Consumer

Consumer NZ is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to championing and empowering consumers in Aotearoa. Consumer NZ has a reputation for being fair, impartial and providing comprehensive consumer information and advice.