Sustainable Business – 16th Climate Change & Business Conference set to bring impressive international lineup of speakers

Source: Sustainable Business Council

Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading annual Climate Change & Business Conference is taking place once again in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland on 9-10 September at the Viaduct Events Centre.
Delivered in partnership between the Environmental Defence Society (EDS), the Sustainable Business Council (SBC) and Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC), the long-standing conference celebrates its 16th anniversary this year and will bring together hundreds of delegates for two days of kōrero around the theme: Leading Climate Action.
Executive Director of the Sustainable Business Council, Mike Burrell, says the conference focus reflects the point we are currently at in New Zealand.
“We tend to talk a lot about governments, but businesses and non-state actors are also central to the real, transformative change that happens in our society. All three must show leadership and look for opportunities to work together.
“With the inquiry into climate adaptation announced in May and the second emissions reduction plan being released soon, this is a year that matters.”
The two-day event includes speakers and delegates representing business, government, policy makers, NGOs, academics, media and scientists, as well as several impressive international speakers, such as:
  • Sue Lloyd, Vice-Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)
  • Joelle Gergis, award-winning Australian climate scientist and writer
  • Mirja Viinanen, CEO and Chief Sustainability Officer for IKEA Australia
“Incorporating voices from overseas into the conference programme will ensure the kōrero remains connected to the global context. By drawing on the best leadership internationally, we will be better placed to develop our own policy responses that will resonate with our communities and our unique cultural context,” says Gary Taylor, Chief Executive of the Environmental Defence Society.
“Against a backdrop of increasing conflict, we are actually seeing countries come together and, in many cases, adapt much faster than we are. Many are making significant commitments across the big pillars of industrial and commercial energy use, transport and agriculture.”
Climate Leaders Coalition Steering Group Convenor and Spark CEO Jolie Hodson commented on the need for the business community to remain united in its focus on climate change.
“The business community is dealing with many pressures right now, as we adapt and respond to an inflationary and recessionary environment. But we know we don’t have the luxury of hitting pause on our climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, and in many instances the pursuit of productivity and sustainability are two sides of the same coin.”
The 2024 programme will include over 30 different breakout sessions, workshops, panels and masterclasses, covering critical topics of discussion like driving down emissions, building resilience, ensuring a just transition, international impact, and more. There will also be ample opportunities for delegates to interact with one another, reflect on the discussion, share learnings and work together to put them into action.
The Conference organisers are proud to once again be delivering a sustainable event which walks the talk on climate action. The Lever Room is providing carbon footprint certification for the event, consistent with The GHG Protocol and Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative Roadmap. The Lever Room will be certifying the event as Net Zero and providing a full Inventory Report while also incorporating the purchase of New Zealand native carbon removals. The last four years, the conference has been certified Toitū carbon zero (where the full lifecycle of the event has been monitored and edited).