Statement: Safer workplaces must be the goal of Minister’s health and safety review

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The Labour Party has always advocated for strong effective health and safety measures in New Zealand workplaces.

“Unfortunately, for many years we have high levels of workplace fatalities and injuries compared to other countries like the United Kingdom and Australia. Any review must look to reverse these trends and ensure all workers come home safe to their families,” Labour’s workplace relations and safety spokesperson Camilla Belich said.

“Health and safety laws in New Zealand are more than tick boxes and road cones, they are essential to ensure workers, employers and the public are safe.

“The Minister needs to ensure experts, worker’s voices and unions are including in this consultation and that any changes improve, not weaken, the safety of New Zealanders.

“Workers, their families, employers and businesses all want safer workplaces and the Minister should not seek to force a non-existent wedge between these parties through this consultation exercise. What’s needed is effective investment in Worksafe so they can undertake their important role, investment in the plant and structures regulations, and investment in injury prevention.

“Regretfully, the government recently cut funding to Worksafe and for the implementation of these important regulations. I hope this review is not an excuse for the Minister to voice her ideological opposition to regulation while making no meaningful positive change to New Zealand’s high workplace fatality and injury rates,” Camilla Belich said.

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