Q&A on WorkSafe’s refreshed strategy

Source: Worksafe New Zealand

Join us for an online Q&A session with our Chief Executive Steve Haszard to discuss our refreshed strategy and to answer your questions.

Our refreshed strategy has a focus on making a difference to the most serious harm in New Zealand workplaces. It defines the wider health and safety at work system (te aronga matua) and reflects our role in the system (kawa), how we will undertake that role (tikanga), where we will focus our effort (kaupapa), and how we will measure our impact (mātauranga).

Join our Chief Executive Steve Haszard on Wednesday 12 June 2024 from 3–4pm for this online Q&A session. 

Register for the Q&A session(external link)

Event information

Ask a question on the day

If you’d like to ask a question on the day, make sure you join the session on a laptop or desktop. We’ve found that there is limited function on mobile phones and using the web browser Safari. If you find you cannot ask a question, try a different browser or you can email communications@worksafe.govt.nz.

Send us a question in advance

If you’d like to send your question through in advance, email it to communications@worksafe.govt.nz. We recommend this if you have a question and are planning on joining the session on your mobile phone.

Technical support during the session

If you are having technical difficulties, you can email communications@worksafe.govt.nz. We may be able to help you troubleshoot if you run into any issues.

Ground rules of engagement

We welcome questions that are respectful and on-topic. We ask that you don’t use offensive language or post content that is harmful. If we feel like you have breached these conditions, you may be removed from the session.