Food recall alerts help keep you safe

Source: Ministry for Primary Industries

Signing up to food recall alerts can help protect you and your family safe from unsafe food and prepare for the unexpected as World Food Safety day approaches, says New Zealand Food Safety deputy director-general Vincent Arbuckle.

“The vast majority of the food we buy is safe to eat, but things can occasionally go wrong. Food recalls provide an important last line of defence for our food safety system.

“While recalls remove affected product from supermarket shelves, consumers need to know if they have affected products in their cupboards at home.

“Anyone can benefit from subscribing to our food recall alert emails through our website, but for some communities it can be even more important.

“Eating food containing harmful pathogens can have serious consequences for people with weakened immune systems, pregnant people, older people, and the very young. For these communities, having the latest information about potentially unsafe food can be the difference between getting very sick and staying well.

“Equally, mislabelled allergens remain the single most common reason for food recalls, so people with allergies can really benefit from prompt and accurate information.”

Find out more about food recalls and sign up for our alerts

See our full list of recalled products

Read our recently published food recalls annual reports

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