Expression of Interest – Supplies of Programmatic and Food Items into Cyprus

Source: Save The Children

Save the Children is inviting suppliers to express their interest in future opportunities for the supply of various commodities into Cyprus, as part of the wider Gaza response. Further information can be found in the ‘Expression of Interest‘ document and the the ‘Bidder Response Document‘, including a full list of the commodities required.

Before expressing your interest, please be aware:

  1. This is an expression of interest only, and there is no guarantee of a contract or orders being place. Should there be a demand in the future, Save the Children will engage with identified suppliers as per its defined Procurement Procedures, which may include direct contracting or an open tender process.
  2. Suppliers wishing to express their interest must submit their response using the ‘Bidder Response Template‘ provided and include the reference number (EOI/MENAEE/KITS/2024/001) and supplier name in the email subject.
  3. Save the Children will accept responses from suppliers who can either fully or partially supply the full list of goods.