Second call for submissions on the Regulatory Systems (Primary Industries) Amendment Bill

Source: New Zealand Parliament

The policy objective of this omnibus bill is to improve regulatory systems related to primary industries, by ensuring that they are effective and efficient, and that they accord with best regulatory practice.

The Committee is particularly keen to receive submissions on new amendments proposed by the Minister of Agriculture. These suggested amendments can be found in the Minister’s letter to the committee, published on the Parliament website . The Committee is also happy to receive any further submissions on the amendments in the bill as introduced. The submissions received by the Committee in response to its first call for submissions can be found on the Parliament website.

Tell the Primary Production Committee what you think
Make a submission on the bill by midnight on Monday, 8 July 2024.

For more details about the bill:
• Read the full content of the bill
• Read the Minister’s proposed amendments to the bill
• Read the submissions received by the committee so far
• Get more details about the bill
• What’s been said in Parliament about the bill?

For media enquiries contact:
Primary Production Committee secretariat