Reporting and monitoring – MPTT

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 28 May 2024
Last updated 28 May 2024



This page provides information about funded organisations’ reporting on Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT), and our monitoring of performance.  

This page provides information about funded organisations’ reporting on Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT), and our monitoring of performance.  

An organisation that receives MPTT funding must comply with the reporting requirements set out in its funding confirmation documentation.
Consortium reporting
A consortium organisation receiving consortium activities funding must complete progress reports (including budget reporting) through Workspace 2 as specified in its funding confirmation documentation (see Payment Schedule in Appendix 1).
Monitoring and reporting processes
Consortium reporting and recordkeeping about the use of this funding will need to be separate from other funding in the consortium budget.
Consortia are required to submit progress reports in April, August and December uploaded to Workspace 2 outlining how MPTT funding is allocated and spent across the following two funding categories:
consortium activities funding
Learner Support Funding. 
Fees top-ups and brokerage services reporting
A consortium member TEO receiving MPTT fees top-ups funding and/or brokerage services funding must report learner information to us through the Single Data Return (SDR), as per SDR submission dates.
Each SDR submitted must comply with the requirements specified in the SDR Manual relating to the form, content, delivery, and timing of the reports.
MPTT Actuals data collection
TEOs must also complete the MPTT Actuals data collection template for MPTT learners. This is provisioned to Workspace 2 three times each year, aligned to SDR reporting.
We use SDR reporting to monitor funded consortia and partner TEO performance in respect of:
delivery to MPTT learners
course and qualification completion
retention, and
learner demographic information.
Each consortium must meet minimum performance standards agreed in its funding confirmation documentation.
Fees top-ups
A TEO that receives MPTT fees top-ups funding must meet minimum performance standards relating to DQ3-7 funding, including:
successful course completions rate
qualification completions rate, and
retention rate.
Brokerage services
We use SDR reporting to monitor brokerage and learner outcomes.
More information
Information about performance commitments and requirements and minimum performance standards is available in the funding confirmation documentation for consortia and the funding confirmation documentation for partner organisations.