Waitākere Ranges Climate Action Plan consultation open now

Source: Auckland Council

Residents in Waitākere Ranges are being urged to give feedback on a revised Local Climate Action Plan that identifies ways to cut emissions and enable community resilience.

Waitākere Ranges Local Board Chair Greg Presland wants the community involved, saying a plan developed with the community is more likely to succeed.

“Getting involved in shaping that plan is a chance for people to share local knowledge and identify their priorities. It’s easy to say ‘nothing we can do will change things’ but we need to identify actions we can take to be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.”

Waitākere Ranges is the 10th board to develop a local plan to contribute to the regional goal of halving carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

A draft developed after community input in 2022 has been refined since last year’s storms and is now ready to go out for feedback.

Strong foundations

Presland says the board area has strong foundations, with more than a hundred climate action-related projects already underway.

“We are interested in which projects our people prioritise,” Presland says, including:

  • Urban Ngahere Programme

  • Landowner native forest regeneration and Emissions Trading Scheme information

  • working with Auckland Transport on better bus services to train stations

  • advocating for more electric vehicle charging carparks

  • promoting ways to reduce single person car trips

  • increasing local food growing

  • partnering with mana whenua and marae on environmental projects.

“Getting a local response right is important and we all have to do what we can to ensure that we live more sustainably.  It is my hope that the final plan will contribute to this.”

You can have your say between 27 May to 7 July online here or in person at bookable community hui or drop in events below.


Community Hui RSVP to simon.vincent@communitywaitakere.org.nz

  • Titirangi Community House, 13 June, 6-8pm

  • Glen Eden Library, 19 June, 6-8pm

  • Piha Barnett Hall, 20 June 7-9pm

  • Swanson – St Mark’s Church Hall, 26 June 6.30-8.30pm

Drop in

  • Swanson Station Market, 2 June, 9am- 12pm

  • Arataki Matariki Whanau Day, 15 June, 10am – 12pm

  • Titirangi Market, 30 June, 10am -2pm

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