Greens justice spokesperson Tamatha Paul to join protest against Waikeria ‘megaprison’ at Mount Eden Prison

Source: People Against Prisons Aotearoa

The community group People Against Prisons Aotearoa is holding a protest against mass incarceration tomorrow against the Government’s proposed expansion of Waikeria prison. The move, which would see $1.9 billion earmarked for prison construction, has been criticised by academics and community groups who see it as another example of austerity for the poor.

“The Waikeria Megaprison is the Government saying that it won’t invest in housing, employment, education, or healthcare for the working class—but it will spend billions on locking us up,” says the groups spokesperson, Emmy Rākete. “Luxon, Peters and Seymour are hollowing out society for the benefit of the rich.”

People Against Prisons Aotearoa says it expects hundreds outside the prison tomorrow, signaling their opposition to mass incarceration. The protest will feature a number of speakers, including Greens justice spokesperson Tamatha Paul, justice advocate Awatea Mita, Auckland University law lecturer Dylan Asafo, and People Against Prisons Aotearoa’s spokesperson Emmy Rākete, who is also an Auckland University criminology lecturer.

“A range of people are joining the protest because the Government is attacking a huge segment of society. The budget announcement is going to tell us the country’s broke, but Luxon is happy doling out tax cuts to his landlord and CEO mates. The fact that we have $1.9 billion to waste on imprisoning people shows that we have enough money to help them, but the Government doesn’t want to do that.”