Road rehabilitation planned for State Highway 2 Carterton

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

State Highway improvements and upgrades continue at pace in Wairarapa, with Carterton next in line for pavement rehabilitation works. 

The Wellington Transport Alliance is planning a road reconstruction for early June. 

Roxanne Hillard, Wellington Alliance Manager, says around 500 metres of State Highway 2 through Carterton’s main thoroughfare will be repaired.

 “The work we are planning is like what we’re currently doing on Chapel Street in Masterton. The road condition through this part of Carterton is poor and needs comprehensive work.” 

“Work crews will need to excavate the road to a depth of around 360 mm and put down a layer of structural asphalt, and then apply a final asphalt road surface over the top,” Ms Hilliard says. 

She says the nature of the work means it will take longer to complete than a standard pavement resurfacing job.

 “However, this is the best long-term solution. It will result in a far more durable road needing fewer repairs. Investing in substantive rehabilitation now saves time and money down the track.”

The area to be worked on will be State Highway 2 High Street between Rhodes Street and Andersons Line. 

Ms Hilliard says road closures, speed restrictions, night and day works, parking restrictions, and local road detours will all be part of the project.

“This includes access restrictions for residents and businesses between Rhodes Street and Andersons Line. The nature of the work being done means it will be unsafe for vehicles to drive through the works area.”

Vehicle access to affected properties will be available in emergencies, and contractors will ensure pedestrian access and footpaths remain open. However, residents and businesses will have to park their vehicles on side streets while access is unavailable. 

Ms Hilliard says the community will be informed of further details on the timing of this project as they are confirmed. 

“These are significant works, and we appreciate they will be disruptive. Our work crews will work hard to complete them as quickly and efficiently as possible.” 

“I want to thank the public, especially the residents and businesses that are most affected as we complete this critical upgrade and investment in State Highway 2 through Carterton,” Ms Hilliard says.

Works location, schedule and detour routes

  • From Monday, 3 June. Estimated duration up to five weeks. 24/7 works programme
  • Work will be done in two sections:
    • SH2 High Street, between Rhodes and Kent Streets
      • Approximately two to three weeks
    • SH2 High Street, between Kent Street and Andersons Line
      • Approximately two to three weeks
  • One side of High Street will be closed day and night during these phased works, day and night.
  • Southbound vehicles will need to detour down Somerset Road, Carters Line and Park Road.
  • Drivers must follow signposted detours.
  • The detour will add around eight minutes to travel times.

SH2 Carterton works location [PDF, 44 KB]

Carterton southbound detour route [PDF, 722 KB]