Ngā Paerewa Implementation Evaluation

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health


Manatū Hauora – the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) commissioned Malatest International to conduct an independent evaluation of the implementation of Ngā paerewa Health and disability services standard NZS 8134:2021 (Ngā Paerewa). The implementation period ran from June 2021, when Ngā Paerewa was publicly available, to August 2023.

The evaluation focused on the Ministry’s role in the implementation of Ngā Paerewa. The intention of the evaluation was to determine:

  • the effectiveness of the Ministry’s implementation of Ngā Paerewa
  • to what extent the Ministry met its objectives in considering the preparedness of key stakeholders
  • to what extent the Ministry had established sufficient operational processes to enable the successful execution of the above.

The reviewers assessed online survey responses completed by 65 providers, interviewed 71 stakeholders, and reviewed documents.

The evaluation found that the sector was generally positive about the implementation efforts of the HealthCERT team (the team responsible for implementation within the Ministry) and reported approvingly on the team’s accessibility and responsiveness. The Designated Auditing Agencies (DAAs) reported that regular meetings facilitated coordination and support, fostering positive relationships. Fulfilling Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations emerged as a key aspect of implementation. While many stakeholders were committed to meeting these obligations, some required additional support to strengthen their cultural confidence, which HealthCERT did in developing two online Te Tiriti o Waitangi eLearning modules.

The evaluation identified some areas for improvement, including enhanced communication, training, and support mechanisms. The evaluation highlighted the need for continued support and resources to sustain the implementation of Ngā Paerewa. Recommendations included investing in dedicated project management for future projects, enhancing peer support initiatives, and exploring additional resources to support providers.

The HealthCERT team is working through the recommendations to identify ongoing improvement opportunities.