Local News – Drinking? Don’t drive. It’s time to get our heads around it

Source: Porirua City Council

A collaboration between councils, NZTA Waka Kotahi and police in the Wellington region in June aims to bring the drink driving numbers down.
Alcohol has contributed to 33 per cent of deaths and serious crashes in the Wellington region in the last decade. In response, police, NZTA and Council want to collectively target people that think it’s ok to drink and then drive.
This June there will be an education campaign that reminds people about the dangers of drinking and driving, backed up on the ground by more enforcement by police through checkpoints across the region. You’ll see billboards, messages on the backs of buses, posters and plenty of messages across social media.
People continue to get behind the wheel in an impaired state after drinking over the legal limit and as a community we should not tolerate it, Porirua Mayor Anita Baker says.
“As a Council, we want our residents to be safe on our roads so this June we’re happy to join forces with our partners, the police and NZTA, to target those who continue to drink and drive and put us all at risk.”
Kapiti-Mana Police area commander Renee Perkins says drink driving still occurs, making roads unsafe for passengers and other road users.
“Together we need to shift the attitudes and behaviour of drink drivers,” she says.
“Before going drinking, stop and think – if you’re going to drink, plan not to drive. Think about public transport, taxis and rideshares, or asking a friend or family member for a pick up. Let’s be better together.”