Climate And Business – Consensus welcomed – BusinessNZ

Source: BusinessNZ

BusinessNZ is congratulating the Minister of Climate Change for his work in achieving cross-party consensus for a way forward on climate adaptation.
The political parties have agreed to a select committee inquiry into climate adaptation to develop guiding objectives and principles for an adaptation framework and to work out the sharing of costs of adaptation.
BusinessNZ Advocacy Director Catherine Beard says the agreement is a significant achievement and all political parties should be congratulated for working together on a long term challenge where a consistent approach will be required.
“New Zealanders want to see cooperation and collaboration brought to bear on the big intergenerational issues facing us, rather than political division and uncertainty.
“BusinessNZ has been advocating strongly for consensus on long-term issues that will affect New Zealanders’ lives to 2050 and beyond, and we are delighted to see moves in that direction – kudos to all parties involved,” Catherine Beard said.