Local News – Video submissions a hit during consultation – Porirua

Source: Porirua City Council

Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on Porirua City’s draft Long-term Plan (LTP) for 2024-34. The LTP sets the direction and budget for the city for the next 10 years, outlining what the Council is planning to do and how we’ll pay for it.
More than 500 people shared their views on the draft plan during the month-long consultation period, which closed last Friday. Engagement events were held across the city for kōrero on the draft plan.
Porirua Mayor Anita Baker says it was great that so many people took the time to have their say, with online submissions boosting more traditional ways of giving feedback.
“For our last LTP consultation, 334 people made a submission on our draft plan, and this year’s LTP submissions are sitting at over 500, which is around a 50 per cent increase,” Mayor Baker says.
“We offered a video submission option for the first time this year and weren’t sure how popular this option would be. But almost 200 people chose to make a video submission, which is a fantastic result.”
The draft LTP, which proposes to spend 55 per cent of our budget on three waters infrastructure (stormwater, wastewater and drinking water) included only one formal consultation item.
“People were able to comment on anything in our draft plan, but we asked for specific feedback on making changes to our rubbish and recycling collection service in the future – in response to our climate goals, reduced landfill space and any government legislation around how we deal with waste,” Mayor Baker says.
Hearing of submissions for the LTP will take place on 14 and 15 May before deliberations on the plan on 6 June. The Long-term Plan for Porirua City will be adopted on 27 June 2024.