Banking and Finance – ASB drops mortgage rates

Source: ASB

ASB has today dropped its fixed home lending rates for the seventh time this year. Three of ASB’s mortgage rates – the six-month, one year and four year – have dropped by up to 10 basis points, with the six-month & four-year term now the most competitive across the major banks.

Its six-month term has dropped 5 basis points from 7.29% to 7.24%, while the one-year term has reduced by 10 basis points to 7.14%. ASB’s four-year mortgage rate has also dropped 6 basis points to 6.49%.

“We’ve reviewed our interest rates in line with the recent dip in wholesale rates. We know these rate reductions on some of our most popular terms will be of serious interest to our home lending customers looking to refix, as well as potential first home buyers.” says ASB’s Executive General Manager Personal Banking Adam Boyd.

ASB has also dropped its 6-month and 9-month term deposit rates by 10 basis points each.