Playground plans get seal of approval

Source: Auckland Council

A new playground for the developing Belmont area is on the way.

Franklin Local Board has approved a concept design for a new neighbourhood park at Ray Fausett Reserve and will now progress the project to detailed design and construction. 

Board chair Angela Fulljames says more than $600,000 of regional growth funding has been allocated to the project.

“A concept design has been developed that takes account of the feedback received during community consultation and engagement with Ngāti Tamaoho and Ngāti Te Ata. 

“We are very grateful for that input, which put wheel play, nature and climbing as the three most desired play activities.

“The park will provide a safe place for families to play and meet, and this news will be well-received by a community without a lot of immediate access to dedicated playgrounds.”

Delivery will be split into two stages, the first putting the junior and senior modules in place.

The junior module will include a slide, two-bay swing with basket, platform and inclusive spinners, and a seesaw and picnic table, while the senior module includes a slide, flying fox, balancing logs, stepping stones and logs, and earth mounds.

Board Pukekohe subdivision representative Alan Cole says the second stage will include accessible public bathrooms, a drinking fountain, bike rack, basketball half-court, an accessible barbecue, interactive interpretation panels, informal paths, pedestrian bridge connections and traditional medicinal plants.

“This is going to be welcome news for families in the area. Residents have campaigned for local facilities and the board recognises that they have been patient when an area that lacks basic facilities such as a dedicated playspace has been slow coming.”

Physical work could start as soon as later this month.

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