New resource to support care experienced tertiary learners to succeed

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Care experienced learners are those who have been – or are – in out-of-home care (OOHC). This means living away from home in the care or custody of the government, an iwi social service, a cultural social service, or a child and family support service.
Build your understanding and create an inclusive tertiary learning environment for care experienced learners
The Tertiary Education Commission in partnership with VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai and Better Outcomes have a produced ‘A Guide for Tertiary Education Organisations on Supporting Care Experienced Learners’.
The Guide is designed to achieve an inclusive and equitable tertiary learning environment where care experienced learners can succeed and TEO staff become more confident in supporting them.
The Guide is packed with information and good practices TEOs can apply throughout every care experienced learner’s journey. It covers three main areas where a TEO’s support activities are key:
Outreach – supporting learners before they enter tertiary education
Recruitment – supporting learners while they enter tertiary education
Retention – support learners during their tertiary education
The Guide is available on the TEC website: A Guide for Tertiary Education Organisations on Supporting Care Experienced Learners (PDF 2.4 MB)
Learner success for all is a priority for the Tertiary Education Commission
We have large groups of learners who are currently underserved by the tertiary education system, including care experienced learners. We need to change that. TEC is working with a range of organisations including VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai and Better Outcomes to develop resources for TEOs so they better understand the special needs of underserved learners and can develop systems to support them to complete their education. Remember best practice for care experienced learners is best practice for all learners.
This work is part of the TEC’s Ōritetanga Learner Success work, to support all TEOs to put learners at the centre of their organisation.