MEDIA RELEASE: Public Support for Phone Ban In Schools

Source: Family First

Family First says that the new phone ban in schools has widespread support from parents and the general public.

A survey done by Curia Market Research before the General Election last year found that 67% of respondents support a cellphone ban for students in schools, and 30% opposed.

For parents with children, support was at 61%. Based on political party support, all voters except Green Party voters had strong support for the ban. Males were more in favour of the ban than females.

Respondents were also asked in the same poll whether they thought the standard of education in New Zealand is declining, improving or remaining about the same. 63% of respondents think the standard of education in NZ is declining. 22% said it was the same, and only 7% said it was improving. Concerns about standards dropping were shared across voters from all political parties.

The nationwide poll was carried out 22/23 August 2023 and has a margin of error of +/- 3.1%.