Politics and Job Cuts – Government’s cuts put work of Stats NZ at risk

Source: PSA

The PSA is concerned that the voluntary redundancies being offered to staff by Stats NZ will impact on the agency’s ability to deliver on its core functions.
The voluntary redundancy offer is ahead of further change proposals driven by the Government’s cost cutting requirements and follows a restructure in December which saw 29 jobs go.
“The PSA is supportive of staff having the option of taking voluntary redundancy where it meets their needs, said Fleur Fitzsimons Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi Assistant Secretary.
“However, we remain concerned that the constant rounds of cuts required by the Government to pay for tax relief for landlords will impact the ability of Stats NZ to deliver the quality collection and analysis of data that businesses and communities depend on, said Fitzsimons.
“The information Stats NZ produces is vital to supporting businesses. How can we build and grow a modern economy when the Government is cutting funding to gathering and analysing the data businesses need to make smarter decisions?”
“We are also worried the changes will see greater workloads imposed on other staff,” Fitzsimons said.