Have your say on proposed parent-teacher interview leave

Source: New Zealand Parliament

Parent-teacher interviews are an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss children’s academic progress. These interviews are often held during normal work hours, which can make it hard for working parents to attend.

This bill aims to help parents, their children, and employers by ensuring parents can attend these interviews during normal working hours. It aims to benefit teachers as well, as it could prevent them from having to schedule interviews outside of their work hours. The bill would allow for parents to take leave in a structured way that does not unduly burden employers. Employees would be entitled to this leave as soon as they start work. The leave would be paid within the pay-period that the leave was taken. This type of leave would not be paid out when an employee leaves their work place.

Tell the Education and Workforce Committee what you think

Make a submission on the bill by midnight on 18 August 2021

For more details about the bill: