Have your say on new aviation law

Source: New Zealand Parliament

This bill would repeal and replace the Civil Aviation Act 1990 and the Airport Authorities Act 1966 with a single, modern statute. The bill aims to make civil aviation more safe and secure. It would also help with the economic regulation of civil aviation.

The bill would implement substantial policy changes related to the following:

  • remotely piloted or autonomous aircraft
  • national security checks
  • drug and alcohol management
  • aviation security
  • emissions
  • airline alliances
  • airport regulation
  • the offers-back of airport land process
  • financial penalty levels
  • “Just culture”(an internationally promoted principle that a person should not be unduly punished for minor and inadvertent infringements of civil aviation law, as a result of openly and honestly reporting safety-related information).

Tell the Transport and Infrastructure Committee what you think

Make a submission on the bill by midnight on 11 November 2021.

For more details about the bill: