Have your say on an SOP that would make changes to penalties imposed by the Child Support Amendment Bill

Source: New Zealand Parliament

Currently, late payment penalties are imposed on a liable parent if they do not pay child support on time. Initial penalties are applied in two stages in the first month, and if the amount is not paid incremental penalties are imposed each month the amount is outstanding.

The Supplementary Order Paper proposes amendments that would repeal incremental penalties. This proposal would also simplify the child support penalty write-off rules.

Submissions are sought specifically on the proposals in Supplementary Order Paper 538. General submissions on the Child Support Amendment bill have closed. The committee reserves the right to accept only submissions that are relevant to the SOP.

Tell the Social Services and Community Committee what you think

Make a submission on the SOP. Please note that a closing date for submissions is not yet set.

For more details about the SOP: