Secondary principals welcome more learning support and leadership development priorities

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)

“We are seeing increasing numbers of students with additional needs in our secondary schools. There is an urgent  need for more effective interventions to enable these ākonga to make the most of the educational opportunities available.
“We look forward to receiving more details of what the Minister has in mind.”

Kate Gainsford says principals also looked forward to learning more about the Government’s priorities for teacher training, including leadership development pathways. While this is promising for the future,
the ‘fundamental changes’ needed, include a workforce for the present.

“Secondary teaching needs to be a first choice career that rewards people well, is properly resourced and has clear and dynamic pathways, particularly around leadership development.

“Leading a school is an extremely satisfying role, it comes with an amazing amount of responsibility – for ensuring rangatahi achieve their full potential and that kaiako are supported and enabled to bring their best selves to the classroom every day.

“Clear pathways to nurture and develop school leaders are greatly needed – and we look forward to hearing more about this and having a constructive engagement with the Minister.”