Save the Children – Kiwi kids say YES to keep Ka Ora, Ka Ako, Healthy School Lunches

Source: Save the Children

More than 3300 children support keeping Ka Ora, Ka Ako in a Save the Children survey, despite the Government signalling potential cuts to the Healthy School Lunches Programme.
Results from Save the Children’s poll show 95% of the approximately 3500 children aged between 5-17-years surveyed are in support of “keeping” or “expanding” the programme, while just 3% of children surveyed (94 children) are in favour of removing the programme and 2% (80 children) “don’t know”.
Tamariki had their say by individually completing an online poll, or with the support of their teachers completing the poll as a class, and 155 children voted in person via polling booths at events in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and Ngāmotu New Plymouth.
Comments from the children that engaged in the poll, showed just how important the Healthy School Lunches Programme is to them and their peers.
“Sometimes we don’t have enough food to bring much lunch. Sometimes we run out of food at home. There is only dinner sometimes,” one participant said.
“It’s a really good programme that helps,” said another. “Some of my fri