PBRF Sector Reference Group – Consultation open on reporting on the results of Quality Evaluation 2026

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

You can access the consultation paper on the TEC website at SRG Consultation Papers 2026.
Consultation on the proposals set out in the paper closes on 16 June 2023. Feedback can be submitted via the online survey: Reporting the results of Quality Evaluation 2026
Update to consultation schedule
Please note that consultation on the draft Guidelines for Quality Evaluation 2026 will take place during 11 August–22 September 2023, rather than 16 June–28 July. Following consultation, the final Guidelines will be published in November 2023.
A Summary of Decisions and a revised illustrative Evaluation Portfolio template will still be published in mid-June as planned.
Information on Quality Evaluation 2026 and the SRG is available at Sector Reference Group (SRG) 2026.
Appointment of Panel Co-Chair Māori to the Biological Sciences panel
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Nick Rahiri Roskruge (Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Tama) to the role of panel Co-Chair Māori to the Biological Sciences panel for the Quality Evaluation 2026. As an internationally respected researcher and leader in his field, Professor Roskruge brings a wealth of experience and research expertise to the Quality Evaluation process.
Professor Nick Rahiri Roskruge’s specialist research activity aligns to food security and food sovereignty for Indigenous communities, primarily through plant landrace and germplasm management and a number of other mātauranga-centric projects across Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally. He is currently a Professor in Ethnobotany based at Massey University and also chairman for Tāhuri Whenua the National Māori Horticultural Collective.
For further information on all Co-Chair appointments, see Peer-Review Panels for Quality Evaluation 2026.