Proposed changes to the Importation of Nursery Stock (155.02.06) import health standard to manage phytoplasmas

Source: Ministry for Primary Industries

Background to this consultation

This is the second consultation we have run on proposed measures to manage phytoplasmas on imported ornamental plants for planting. 

We have reviewed submissions received during the first consultation that closed on 12 March 2024.

Based on those submissions, we have now drafted an import health standard (IHS). An IHS is the legislative document that specifies the requirements for importing.

Find out about the first consultation and the submissions received

Have your say

We are seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Nursery Stock (155.02.06) IHS to manage the risk of phytoplasmas on imported ornamental plants for planting.

From 23 April to 14 May 2024, we invite comments on the draft IHS.

Draft Import Health Standard: Nursery Stock (155.02.06) [PDF, 7.3 MB] 

Related document

Submitters should also read the schedule cahnges – it outlines proposed changes to the schedules that 22 host genera currently fall under.

Schedule changes for ornamental hosts of phytoplasmas [PDF, 105 KB]

Making your submission

Email your feedback on the draft IHS and schedule by 5pm on 14 May 2024 to

All submissions received by the closing date will be considered before the amended IHS is issued. MPI may hold late submissions on file for consideration when the issued IHS is next revised or reviewed.

Next steps

After we have considered all submissions, there is a 10-day period which provides submitters with the opportunity to examine any changes to the IHS which have resulted from consultation. An independent review (under section 24 of the Biosecurity Act 1993) may be requested in this period if a submitter considers scientific evidence they raised during their submission has not received sufficient consideration. If there is no review, the IHS becomes final after 10 days.

Find out more about the IHS review process