Realignment of SH1 northbound traffic lanes at Papakura next Monday night

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi is advising motorists in South Auckland that, subject to weather, the two northbound lanes on the SH1 Southern Motorway from opposite the BP motorway service centre north of Drury up to the northbound off-ramp at Papakura Interchange will be moved across to the west onto newly formed traffic lanes overnight on Monday 22 April.

This means the two northbound lanes will no longer be separated by the central median barrier, as they have been since September last year.

A full motorway closure in both directions between Drury and Takanini interchanges is required between 9pm Monday to 5am Tuesday to implement this traffic switch. 

This realignment of northbound lanes will create space in the centre of the motorway to install the middle (and final) sections of the three stormwater box culverts running under the motorway and build up the road pavement further. 

This traffic switch is part of the first stage of works on the SH1 Papakura to Drury project.  The first stage (Stage 1A) is currently scheduled for completion in September this year, with final resurfacing in asphalt expected to occur in October once the weather becomes warmer.

Construction is expected to begin on the next stage (Stage 1B1) of the project around Drury interchange later this year.

The SH1 Papakura to Drury project will provide:

  • An additional lane in each direction and wide shoulders to future-proof for public transport services between Papakura and Drury
  • Interchange improvements at Papakura (including a new southbound on-ramp) and Drury (enabling rail electrification between Papakura and Pukekohe, future-proofing for additional rail lines, and improved safety and access along Great South Road through the interchange)
  • 4km of shared walking and cycling pathways alongside the northbound side of SH1 between Papakura and Drury interchanges (extending the Southern Path between Takanini and Papakura interchanges opened in May 2021)
  • Improved local road connections and access along and across the motorway
  • Improved safety features and environmental outcomes.

For more information on detour routes and project updates:

Papakura ki Pukekura – Papakura to Bombay