Greens look to fast-track submissions on harmful law

Source: Green Party

The Green Party has today launched a step-by-step guide to help New Zealanders make their voice heard on the Government’s democracy dodging and anti-environment fast track legislation. 

So much of what people value about Aotearoa is under threat from this government’s anti-environment power grab. If we are going to stop them we need as many voices as possible,” says Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson. 

“Right now, MPs on the Select Committee are accepting public submissions on this terrible law. It is a crucial opportunity for our communities to make their thoughts and feelings known – but there is only one week to go. 

“Thousands have already signed our open letter warning the Prime Minister that this government’s blatant disregard for environmental protection has no place in Aotearoa.

“Now we are organising for as many submissions as possible directly to the select committee, which are crucial for showing MPs directly that New Zealanders value nature over industry profit. 

“Despite the best efforts of the Government to dress this up as due process with shallow advisory boards and panels, the fact remains that Ministers are handing themselves extraordinary powers to approve projects that could include new coal mines, mining on parts of our precious conservation estate, and the destruction of the seabed.

“Politics doesn’t just happen every three years with an election. It happens every day with decisions made by people in power. This power ultimately rests with the people and the Green Party will fight to ensure it is felt by the Government,” says Marama Davidson.